Friday, April 5, 2013

Rowhouse Redux

I tinkered a little with the design (made it wider, added more detail etc) and came up with version 2 of the Rowhouse piece (reduced 50% for filesize):

Click to enlarge

It fits onto an 8.5" x 11" page, but it does not allow me to put tabs in the design (for gluing purposes, so I have to be aware to leave a little edge for that purpose when cutting out.

I've made a ruined version of the same, which I can cut before putting together to represent it if its ruined:
Click to Enlarge

I've now got a system in place, where by replacing textures, moving windows/doors etc around there are virtually unlimited combinations that can be generated.

Now I've got to get to work on a corner piece (so that the building can turn to follow the hex grid).

Stay tuned !

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Back from Hiatus and Paper Rowhouse building...

I'm back from hiatus and getting into wargaming again.

Currently I'm working on France 1940 in 15mm.

I didn't have any good buildings for Northern European battlefields, so I figured I might as well design some :D

My first creation is a rowhouse section. It fits in the 3" hex I use and can be placed side by-side with others of its design to create longer blocks of houses.

Click to enlarge

I reduced it to a quarter of its size to fit into my blog.

I print this out on thin cardstock, crease the lines with a dull ex-acto blade and fold into shape (the bottom 1/2 folds onto the top half and I glue together before folding). I've yet to design the base for the model (although the simple roof and 2nd floor are done).

I've got a few variations of this one (interior/exterior walls etc). I'll post pics when I get a few made.